Divorcee Sam Seder & Chuck Schumer need more unemployed voters

2 years ago



With Chuck Schumer calling for an amnesty & soy boys like the divorcee Sam Seder autistically-repeating that – in an effort to get more voters – let us take a look at some of the most Pro-Republican states vs. some of the most Pro-Dumocrat states & see who is working & who is not.

All the states (and these are all GOP trifectas) that never had a shelter in place or stay at home order will be examined (IA, ND, SD, UT, WY, NE, AR), as well as ID, FL, SC, TX, OH, KS, OK & TN. Those are on the Republican side.

In brackets [] I will put the % of the population that is between (U.S. Census bureau data https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045221) 18 years of age & 64 years of age so you can get an idea of the “older” & “younger” states. I will also include data on the civilian noninstitutional population (CNP) annual averages (after the *), https://www.bls.gov/lau/rdscnp16.htm https://www.bls.gov/lau/staadata.txt https://www.bls.gov/web/laus/ststdsadata.txt so you can get an idea of what % of those folks are working. I used the annual averages for 2019-2021, courtesy of the Census Bureau & added data for 8 months of 2022 for the en masse average January 2019- August 2022.

If you are wondering why I included states like KS & MA, (the latter just had a GOP Governor defeated, the former had a Dumocrat Governor re-elected), see Ballotpedia’s pages on their state legislature & see who has been running them (even w/ a supermajority much of the time) for the past few decades.

See https://professor_enigma.webs.com/iowa-never-locked-down for some related data on this issue & I also did a video showcasing Hillary Clinton & Joe Biden’s popular vote “victory” & how it is tainted by landslide wins in CA, IL & NY – which have a lot of working age folks taking a break from the labor force. https://rumble.com/v1isntx-david-miss-pakman-debunked-vol.-i.html https://rumble.com/v1nawgu-divorcee-sam-seder-still-trying-to-defend-joe-bidens-economy.html

On the Dumocrat side I will look at CA, IL, NY, NM, HI, NJ, RI, OR, CO, MA, DE & CT.

I am using the Labor Force Participation Rate https://www.bls.gov/cps/definitions.htm#lfpr https://www.bls.gov/cps/definitions.htm#population as it is a better yardstick to determine if our economy is healthy or not.

You may have some folks in their late 60s working because they feel they’ll get fat & die if they stay home too much or they may be working because they had a few divorces earlier in life or made poor financial decisions which force them to work longer than they would like to.

This metric is not perfect, but it will give us a good idea as to which states have more people working as a % of the working age population (40-year-old meth heads who are locked away in an insane asylum are not included in this metric & neither are 50-year-olds who get on disability for “mood disorders” & such) & which ones do not.

Iowa (59.2% * CNP = 2,500,895) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 (44 months) = 68.05%. 2,500,895 X 0.6805 = 1,701,859

North Dakota (59.9% * CNP = 593,360) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 69.202%. 593,360 X 0.69202 = 410,617

South Dakota (57.9% * CNP = 678,711) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 68.620%. 678,711 X 0.68620 = 465,731

Utah (59.9% * CNP = 2,439,870) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 67.995%. 2,439,870 X 0.67995 = 1,658,990

Wyoming (59.2% * CNP = 451,491) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 64.763%. 451,491 X 0.64763 = 292,399

Nebraska (59% * CNP = 1,504,832) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 69.759%. 1,504,832 X 0.69759 = 1,049,756

Arkansas (59.3% * CNP = 2,349,536) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 57.493%. 2,349,536 X 0.57493 = 1,350,819

Idaho (58.7% * CNP = 1,438,683) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 63.156%. 1,438,683 X 0.63156 = 908,615

Florida (59.2% * CNP = 17,563,495) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 58.561%. 17,563,495 X 0.58561 = 10,285,358

South Carolina (59.9% * CNP = 4,080,702) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 57.547%. 4,080,702 X 0.57547 = 2,348,322

Texas (61.6% * CNP = 22,236,429) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 63.293%. 22,236,429 X 0.63293 = 14,074,103

Ohio (60.1% * CNP = 9,319,129) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 62.018%. 9,319,129 X 0.62018 = 5,779,537

Kansas (59.3% * CNP = 2,251,074) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 66.486%. 2,251,074 X 0.66486 = 1,496,649

Oklahoma (59.7% * CNP = 3,045,832) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 60.663%. 3,045,832 X 0.60663 = 1,847,693

Tennessee (60.9% * CNP = 5,474,708) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 60.897%. 5,474,708 X 0.60897 = 3,333,933

Montana (59.1% * CNP = 873,219) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 62.740%. 873,219 X 0.62740 = 547,858

Mississippi (59.7% * CNP = 2,280,338) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 55.218%. 2,280,338 X 0.55218 = 1,259,157. I do urge my Dumocrat friends (at least the ones who are capable of counting past 10) to run the numbers for MS in the 1980s, 1990s & through even the George W. Bush Administration when the state was run by Dumocrats, see if they’re doing any worse or better now. Point being, MS has always been a state that lags behind the rest of the nation. There’s a slew of Southern states that were run by Dumocrats for decades & decades, but some of those legislatures started to fall under Bill Clinton & George W. Bush.

Missouri (60% * CNP = 4,841,096) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 63.211%. 4,841,096 X 0.63211 = 3,060,105

Kentucky (60.4% * CNP = 3,529,055) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 57.931%. 3,529,055 X 0.57931 = 2,044,417. I do urge my Dumocrat friends (at least the ones who are capable of counting past 10) to run the numbers for KY in the 1980s when the state was run by Dumocrats, see if they’re doing any worse or better now (or relative to the nation en masse). Point being, KY has always been a state that lags behind the rest of the nation.

KY has had its share of Dum Governors (and currently has one) but they do have a GOP supermajority in the legislature & their legislature has been GOP for quite some time.

Alabama (60.1% * CNP = 3,963,972) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 57.134%. 3,963,972 X 0.57134 = 2,264,776

Indiana (60.3% * CNP = 5,299,102) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 63.172%. 5,299,102 X 0.63172 = 3,347,549

Georgia (61.9% * CNP = 8,327,498) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 61.981%. 8,327,498 X 0.61981 = 5,161,467

Arizona (59.5% * CNP = 5,687,398) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 61.304%. 5,687,398 X 0.61304 = 3,486,602

All the above GOP “strongholds” (consult Ballotpedia if you want more info on why I picked those) had a cumulative Civilian Noninstitutional Population (average January 2019-August 2022) of 110,730,425 & averaging out those labor force participation numbers = 61.569% (68,176,312).

If we take the % of the population (2020 Census data) from each of those states above that is in the 18-64 range & combine that we get a total of (1,888,698+466,677+513,380+1,959,698+341,496+1,157,287+1,785,834+1,079,555+12,750,606+3,065,937+17,953,631+7,091,468+1,742,163+2,363,734+4,208,702+640,777+1,767,884+3,692,948+2,721,525+3,019,592+4,091,673+6,630,671+4,255,144) 85,189,080. For what it’s worth that would give us an adjusted labor force participation rate of 80.02% (68176312÷85189080).

Some states are “younger” (CA) & some states are “older” (IA, FL), that’s the reason for that data. That data is not perfect, but it’s a good yardstick using 2020 Census statistics.

Some 68-year-olds may be working because they made some bad financial decisions in their 20s & 30s, so they cannot retire yet. Some 68-year-olds may still be working because they’re afraid if they spend too much time at home, they’ll drink a lot & get fat.


California (62.4% * CNP = 31,040,581) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 61.559%. 31,040,581 X 0.61559 = 19,108,271.

Illinois (61.3% * CNP = 10,072,969) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 63.736%. 10,072,969 X 0.63736 = 6,420,108.

New York (61.8% * CNP = 16,083,917) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 59.677%. 16,083,917 X 0.59677 = 9,598,399.

New Mexico (59.1% * CNP =1,658,799) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 57.131%. 1,658,799 X 0.57131 = 947,688.

Hawaii (59.3% * CNP = 1,120,097) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 60.018%. 1,120,097 X 0.60018 = 672,260.

New Jersey (61.3% * CNP = 7,379,202) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 63.159%. 7,379,202 X 0.63159 = 4,660,630.

Rhode Island (62.8% * CNP = 896,239) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 63.631%. 896,239 X 0.63631 = 570,286.

Oregon (61.1% * CNP =3,435,578) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 61.977%. 3,435,578 X 0.61977 = 2,129,268.

Colorado (63.5% * CNP = 4,591,532) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 68.272%. 4,591,532 X 0.68272 = 3,134,731

Massachusetts (63.1% * CNP = 5,729,382) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 65.863%. 5,729,382 X 0.65863 = 3,773,543.

Connecticut (61.8% * CNP = 2,922,495) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 64.975%. 2,922,495 X 0.64975 = 1,898,891.

Washington (62.1% * 6,110,382) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 64.488%. 6,110,382 X 0.64488 = 3,940,463.

Maryland (61.6% * CNP = 4,861,332) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 66.561%. 4,861,332 X 0.66561 = 3,235,751

Delaware (59.1% * CNP = 797,856) Labor Force Participation Rate January 2019-August 2022 = 61.534%. 797,856 X 0.61534 = 490,953.

All the above Dumocrat strongholds had a cumulative Civilian Noninstitutional Population (average January 2019-August 2022) of 96,700,361 & averaging out those labor force participation numbers = 62.648% (60,581,242).

If we take the % of the population (2020 Census data) from each of those states above that is in the 18-64 range & combine that we get a total of (24,671,851+ 7,854,067+ 12,484,372+ 1,251,456+ 862,976+ 5,694,153+ 689,154+ 2,588,963+ 3,666,308+ 4,435,878+ 2,228,473+ 4,784,980+ 3,805,170+ 585,059) 75,602,860. For what it’s worth that would give us an adjusted labor force participation rate of (60581242÷75602860) 80.13%.

Virtually zero difference from the states that are very biased towards the GOP.

This is where a bi-polaroid like Sam Seder would declare victory (or a stalemate), but let’s post some info I elucidated previously that focuses on continued unemployment claims per 100,000 nonfarm jobs. https://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/iowa-never-locked-down

Let us average out continued claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs for the states I dubbed as the NON-LOCKDOWNS (Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Nebraska, Arkansas). Their continued claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs (from week ending 3/27/2021 to 3/19/2022) = 798.7.

Labor Force Participation Rate for the NON-LOCKDOWNS (IA, ND, SD, UT, WY, NE, AR) April 2021-March 2022 = 65.953%

Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs 2-year average for those states (remember the time frames – week ending 3/10/2018 to 3/9/2019 – week ending 3/16/2019 to 3/14/20) in the 2 time frames PRIOR to pandemic mania beginning (and the Democrats seeing it as an opportunity to literally turn us into East Germany) = 722

Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs in the final time frame (week ending 3/21/20 to 3/20/21) for those states (the NON-LOCKDOWNS) = 3,637.

Let us now average out continued claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs for the states I dubbed as the LOCKDOWNS (New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, DC, Connecticut, Massachusetts). Their continued claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs (from week ending 3/27/2021 to 3/19/2022) = 2,409.

Labor Force Participation Rate for the LOCKDOWNS (NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC, RI) April 2021-March 2022 = 64.292%

Now let us run the exact same data for the LOCKDOWNS (NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC, RI):

Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs 2-year average for those states (remember the time frames – week ending 3/10/2018 to 3/9/2019 – week ending 3/16/2019 to 3/14/20) in the 2 time frames PRIOR to pandemic mania beginning (and the Democrats seeing it as an opportunity to literally turn us into East Germany) = 1,634

That is >226% HIGHER than the average in the NON-LOCKDOWNS.

Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs in the final time frame (week ending 3/21/20 to 3/20/21) for those states = 9,464.

Not only were the LOCKDOWNS having a significantly higher number of unemployment continued claims per capita prior to the pandemic (relative to the NON-LOCKDOWNS), but their contraction during the year of the COVID-19 pandemic that I examined was much larger.

Now let’s look at the cumulative Labor Force Participation Rate in the LOCKDOWN (NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC, RI) states for March 2018-February 2019 & March 2019-February 2020 & then compare it to March 2020 to February 2021. I will take each state & average their first two totals & them combine them all at the end.

March 2018-February 2020 Labor Force Participation Rate = 65.614%

March 2020-February 2021 = 63.921%

A much larger contraction than those nasty NON-LOCKDOWNS that wanted people to die.

In closing, if you hear a Joe Biden supporter autistically-repeating, “The Biden economy is good, Brian Stelter’s flabby jowls were jiggling while he said it” you now know that is utter B.S.

As you can see, the COVID-19 plandemic was damaging (I should have run these numbers for a few years prior to the lockdowns & may do that at some point) & even though those Democrat strongholds have a slightly higher labor force participation rate than the GOP strongholds, when you factor in the massive “advantage” those Dumocrat states have pertaining to CONTINUED UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS PER 100,000 NONFARM JOBS (>3X the rate in those GOP states from week ending 3/27/2021 to 3/19/2022) that advantage disappears.

Here's the data for California: 2-year average (Continued Claims per 100,000 Nonfarm jobs/employment) = 1,872 (week ending 3/10/2018 to 3/9/2019 & week ending 3/16/2019 to 3/14/20)

There were 11,924 Continued Claims (week ending 3/21/20 to 3/20/21) per 100,000 Nonfarm Employment jobs.

From week ending 3/27/2021 to 3/19/2022 in California there were 3,037 continued claims per 100,000 nonfarm employment jobs. Almost 4X the rate of the NON-LOCKDOWN states. YIKES!

The Joe Biden regime has been suffering from labor force participation rates that are lagging way behind Donald Trump’s, even on some metrics where I include the lockdowns, which did massive damage to our economy. https://rumble.com/v1nawgu-divorcee-sam-seder-still-trying-to-defend-joe-bidens-economy.html


Let us run those numbers for each of those states from January-September 2022 (averaged out, seasonally adjusted https://www.bls.gov/web/laus/ststdsadata.txt because we are not doing a full year & I can avoid any preliminary data) & see what how they’re faring under kid sniffer Herr Joe Biden.

We’ll also see who has improved & who has declined relative to the much larger time frame above that I focused on. Let’s begin, shall we?

California Labor Force Participation Rate = 62.088%, CNP = 30,971,183 X 0.62088 = 19,229,388 (monthly average)

Illinois Labor Force Participation Rate = 64.355%, CNP = 10,002,464 X 0.64355 = 6,437,086

New York Labor Force Participation Rate = 59.744%, CNP = 15,817,502 X 0.59744 = 9,450,008

New Mexico Labor Force Participation Rate = 56.677%, CNP = 1,673,156 X 0.56677 = 948,295

Hawaii Labor Force Participation Rate = 60.622%, CNP = 1,113,908 X 0.60622 = 675,273

New Jersey Labor Force Participation Rate = 62.8%, CNP = 7,407,483 X 0.628 = 4,651,899

Rhode Island Labor Force Participation Rate = 63.411%, CNP = 901,324 X 0.63411 = 571,539

Oregon Labor Force Participation Rate = 63.222%, CNP = 3,470,241 X 0.63222 = 2,193,956

Colorado Labor Force Participation Rate = 69.177%, CNP = 4,670,195 X 0.69177 = 3,230,701

Massachusetts Labor Force Participation Rate = 65.877%, CNP = 5,720,387 X 0.65877 = 3,768,419

Connecticut Labor Force Participation Rate = 64.244%, CNP = 2,941,542 X 0.64244 = 1,889,764

Washington Labor Force Participation Rate = 64.833%, CNP = 6,187,880 X 0.64833 = 4,011,788

Maryland Labor Force Participation Rate = 65.711%, CNP = 4,878,983 X 0.65711 = 3,206,029

Delaware Labor Force Participation Rate = 61.133%, CNP = 817,141 X 0.61133 = 499,543

The combined CNP for all those states above is 96,573,389 & their combined labor force participation rate was 62.919% (60,763,688).


Now for the GOP states:

Iowa Labor Force Participation Rate = 67.444%, CNP = 2,519,844 X 0.67444 = 1,699,484

North Dakota Labor Force Participation Rate = 69.1%, CNP = 592,688 X 0.691 = 409,547

South Dakota Labor Force Participation Rate = 68.677%, CNP = 691,956 X 0.68677 = 475,215

Utah Labor Force Participation Rate = 67.844%, CNP = 2,533,244 X 0.67844 = 1,718,654

Wyoming Labor Force Participation Rate = 63.511%, CNP = 457,018 X 0.63511 = 290,257

Nebraska Labor Force Participation Rate = 69.888%, CNP = 1,517,764 X 0.69888 = 1,060,735

Arkansas Labor Force Participation Rate = 56.744%, CNP = 2,376,860 X 0.56744 = 1,348,725

Idaho Labor Force Participation Rate = 62.288%, CNP = 1,512,528 X 0.62288 = 942,123

Florida Labor Force Participation Rate = 59.066%, CNP = 17,925,692 X 0.59066 = 10,587,989

South Carolina Labor Force Participation Rate = 57.222%, CNP = 4,179,377 X 0.57222 = 2,391,523

Texas Labor Force Participation Rate = 63.6%, CNP = 22,783,322 X 0.636 = 14,490,193

Ohio Labor Force Participation Rate = 61.777%, CNP = 9,348,910 X 0.61777 = 5,775,476

Kansas Labor Force Participation Rate = 66.277%, CNP = 2,264,814 X 0.66277 = 1,501,051

Oklahoma Labor Force Participation Rate = 60.511%, CNP = 3,089,369 X 0.60511 = 1,869,408

Tennessee Labor Force Participation Rate = 60.766%, CNP = 5,571,598 X 0.60766 = 3,385,637

Montana Labor Force Participation Rate = 62.444%, CNP = 899,905 X 0.62444 = 561,937

Mississippi Labor Force Participation Rate = 55.277%, CNP = 2,284,918 X 0.55277 = 1,263,034

Missouri Labor Force Participation Rate = 62.955%, CNP = 4,881,528 X 0.62955 = 3,073,166

Kentucky Labor Force Participation Rate = 58.066%, CNP = 3,550,033 X 0.58066 = 2,061,362

Alabama Labor Force Participation Rate = 56.966%, CNP = 3,999,731 X 0.56966 = 2,278,487

Indiana Labor Force Participation Rate = 62.8%, CNP = 5,350,348 X 0.628 = 3,360,019

Georgia Labor Force Participation Rate = 62.1%, CNP = 8,476,392 X 0.621 = 5,263,839

Arizona Labor Force Participation Rate = 60.866%, CNP = 5,862,342 X 0.60866 = 3,568,173

The combined CNP for all those states above is 112,670,181 & their combined labor force participation rate was 61.574% (69,376,034).

Remember to circle back & look at the percentages of the population that were 18-64 & also take a gander at the continued unemployment claims per 100,000 nonfarm jobs. When you consider that, the GOP-dominated states do much better than the Dumocrat states, especially the GOP states that never had a shelter-in-place or stay-at-home order during the COVID-19 plandemic.

Chuck Schumer & the demented divorcee Sam Seder want to bring in more unemployed voters so they can have Medicare-for-All, pack the SCOTUS, *try* to take away everyone’s guns, no school choice or vouchers so no poor black kids can escape Detroit, Flint & Chicago’s poor government schools & make all election by mail all the time w/ out-of-precinct voting on a regular basis & of course, no Photo ID.

America’s birth rate has cratered since the Baby Boom Generation & since that time the % of kids growing up sans daddy has skyrocketed. So, we have less births & more dysfunctional children. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoA9J0G6s-6owc0S5klji-hEBtbAzbloB

Many of our government schools are churning out idiots who can barely read, but they will vote, this is done on purpose. Our drug overdose death rate has almost monolithically increased since the late 1970s. http://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/america-has-a-drug-problem Too many people in the wagon, not enough productive people to pull it.

Schumer & the divorcee Sam Seder want to fill the void w/ millions of folks who will do nothing but exacerbate our coming entitlement tsunami & many of them are not even literate in their own language.

They do not want immigration via merit https://rumble.com/vdr66v-old-fart-rants-is-dung-now-by-utubekookdetector-illegal-immigration.html because those people are less likely (since they likely have a skill & have something to lose) to vote Democrat so they want to flood this country willy-nilly w/ migrants so they can have a majority for a generation or more.

If you want more data on labor force participation rates over long time frames see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lliA3ZJZCAY (begin at 6:00) https://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/old-fart-rants-sam-seder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQYA2r7pxVg (begin at 25:00)

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