They Can No Longer Hide Or Explain Away The Number Of Vaccinated People Who Have Died-NOV 27 2022

2 years ago


For a little while, they were able to keep things under wraps as the Biden administration secretly colluded with main stream media and social media, censoring everyone who dared to speak the truth. When the death rates started rising, with young people spontaneously dying, narratives were written and rewritten to attempt to keep up. Then, in a classic case of hysterical overreach, they rolled out something called 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome', and that's when the wheels started coming off the bus. The bus has since crashed into the concrete dividers, and that brings us here to Day 987 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve. All aboard!!

"Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:4 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are going to show you the facts, the figures, and the horrific numbers that are so compelling that even the New World Order cannot deny their existence. I have watched endless video of newscasters, sports stars, and young people around the world caught on tape falling over dead like so many birds falling off a wire. We told you this was going to come, we warned as far back as early 2020 right here on this Podcast. Today we bring you the sickening proof of people who have died suddenly from something that is so explosive, this article will be banned if I say it. All this and more on this special edition of the Prophecy News Podcast

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