The White King: Charles I, Traitor, Murderer, Martyr (Leanda de Lisle)

2 years ago

A fresh analysis of Charles I, an unjustly-maligned king whose reign offers lessons for today. (This article was first published October 17, 2018.)

The written version of this article can be found here:

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"As with Nicholas II, the last ruling Romanov, how we view Charles I is largely set by how his days ended. And as with Nicholas, we have been further conditioned by generations of propaganda pumped out by the winners and their ideological allies, claiming that it was Charles’s own bad philosophy, coupled with incompetence, rather than mostly bad luck and choices only wrong in retrospect, that led to his death. Leanda de Lisle’s The White King rejects the fake news and offers an even-handed view." . . .

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