WARNING: Aviation Disaster Imminent As Pilots Die On Takeoff

2 years ago

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr Jane tries to warn the public that we are out of time in the aviation industry because jabbed pilots are falling over on takeoff, during flight and on landing along with air traffic controllers. AA flight 3556 has a near miss disaster on Nov 19, 2022 Captain Patrick Ford dropped dead at the controls on the liftoff and if his copilot wasn’t a highly experienced check pilot, this flight would have been a full on fatality. Industry experts, FAA Whistleblower Bruce McGray, Captain and Dr. Kevin Stillwagon, and US Freedom Flyers Co Founder, Josh Yoder join Dr. Jane to tell the public that TIME HAS RUN OUT. This is the Dr Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter Truth in Medicine.


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