Elon Musk's Bedside Gun Tweet Upsets The Anti-Gun Karens

2 years ago

Elon Musk Bedside Table Guns

Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, shared a picture of his "bedside table" on Monday that showed two guns.

Does anyone want to take a guess who lost their minds when they saw this tweet from Elon Musk?

If you said the Anti-Gun Karens, you would be correct.

Shannon Watts, who is the leader of the biggest Anti-gun group in the country, tweeted this in response to Elon Musks' tweet:

Hey @elonmusk, did you know that 4.6M children in the US live in homes with unsecured firearms, and that guns are now the leading killer of children and teens? Thankfully, it doesn't take a genius to #BeSmart.

Shannon "The Karen" Watts needs to put down the boxed wine and put on some glasses because she is clearly not smart enough to see that those "guns" aren't real and don't fire.

The "gun" on the bottom doesn't even have a trigger; it's a cosplay toy.

Shannon watts is a devious little anti-gun Karen that likes to throw out half-stats to mislead people.

The anti-gun lobby is saying guns are now the leading killer of children and teens because the CDC study she's getting that information from defined children as persons 1 to 19 years of age.

The vast majority of these "Children's" deaths are not them finding an unsecured gun; it's the 18 and 19-year-olds shooting at each other in the inner cities with guns they bought on the street.

You see, she tried to paint a picture that these young children are finding guns lying around.

Long story short, this is nothing more than trying to shame Elon Musk into doing the Anti-gun lobby's bidding.

They're trying to engage in the same cancel culture BS done in the mainstream media.

The problem is they were so focused on pushing their dishonest agenda that they didn't realize the guns weren't real, and now they look ridiculous.

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