How to make money using your car

2 years ago

When dealing with people in business just because someone is nice with you does not mean they have your best interest or that they’re affair business person I’ve worked with many people who’ve been very nice to me that ultimately did me wrong and business so again just because someone’s nice not mistake niceness for being your friend think of a car salesman have you ever met him in car salesman generally not they’re very nice very likable people but their job is to be nice to get you to spend the most money that’s their job nothing wrong with it but that’s their job but don’t confuse someone’s niceness as a form of being your friend there be nice to you because they want something out of you and again there’s nothing wrong with that in the business setting but you need to learn to separate that niceness from business does not always work sometimes it’s worth working with people who are grumpier kind of mean because at least you know upfront what they want and there’s no confusion so be careful about someone being overly nice to you in the business world because again that niceness does not mean they are your friend

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