What Is Elyon? - New Upcoming MMORPG

4 years ago

Details & Discussion About The New Upcoming MMORPG Of 2020/20201 "Elyon"
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You may or may not remember an upcoming MMORPG that was announced a few years back called Ascent Infinite Realm, This MMO was initially announced late 2017 with an Alpha shortly after, then we went through a year and a half of radio silence before having a BETA for the game's South East Asian server that was met with a fairly meh reaction from pretty much everyone that had the chance to play it.
Well recently it was announced that Ascent Infinite Realm has gone through some massive fundemental design changes as well as a name change to Elyon, and as a result this fairly mediocre MMO might actually turn into something that could be worth playing.

What do you think about Elyon? Are you more interested in this game now thanks to the changes since the transition from Ascent Infinite Realm? Let me know in the comments below!

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---Elyon: Ascent Infinite Realm Website Description---

"Elyon" The one and only path to the new world "Eingard" The Gear War To Control "Elyon Begins..."

Nousgard Kingdom made civilisation flourish under the blessing of "Sephiroth" the tree of life, in the barren land of Harth.
Nousgardians, who discovered that Sephiroth is part of the world tree that exists in "Eingard" a world in a different realm, completed the massive airship, "Inventus" and the realm portal "Elyon" to go to Eingard to gain the source of collossal power.
But right before "Elyon" was activated, mechanical soldiers that call themselves "Dark Apostles" attack and "Inventus" is on the bring of being destroyed.
"Eingard" that was never before reached by anyone, and the only path to it "Elyon" The great war to control "Elyon" begins.


- Refreshingly dynamic combat.
- Effectively face off against multiple enemies wit non-targeting based extravagant skills and exciting action sequences.
- Skill-customising as you wish
- Enjoy numerous combinations of combat by selecting artifacts, runestones and rune features.
- Competitive contents that require control skills and strategies
- Enjoy various PVP contents from 1:1 to face off against AI and massive siege battles of Realm VS Realm.

New Upcoming MMORPG 2020 20201 Ascent Infinite Realm A:IR Elyon Kakao Games Bluehole PVP PVE Dungeons World Bosses Realm Vs Realm RVR Korean MMO Airships Full Action Combat Mini Games Eastern Player Housing Professions Life Skills
What Is Elyon? - New Upcoming MMORPG

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