Family may have to leave country after father-of-four tried to rob store in broad daylight

1 year ago

He told a shop laborer "I will kill you"
Vaidotas Mecislauskas

A family including English-conceived kids might need to leave the country after a dad of-four took steps to kill a shop specialist with an impersonation gun. Vaidotas Mecislauskas, 49, of Spalding Normal, Spalding, was condemned to 45 months on Monday, November 28, a big part of which he will serve in jail before possibly confronting removal to his local Lithuania.

Lincoln Crown Court heard how on Thursday, September 29, Mecislauskas strolled into the Nasza Biendronka shop where Sedad Amin was on a preliminary shift. Indicting lawyer Catherine Picardo said: "He obtained a sizable sum of wealth and cigarettes and said he had a gun."

After Mr Amin communicated doubt at Mecislauskas claims, he showed the firearm in his belt and "dropped it all over," the court heard. Ms Picardo said: "He said 'I will kill you."

She added: "He then took the weapon from his
belt yet Mr Amin got it by the barrel." The court then, at that point, heard how Mr Amin made a partner aware of call the police after Mecislauskas took his telephone out of his hand.

The pair proceeded with the quarrel outside, where laborers at a close by salon and younger students on their mid-day break saw the occurrence. Cops then, at that point, captured Mecislauskas.

Neil Sands, moderating said: "Because of reasons that are at a total misfortune to him, on that day he acted totally and completely bizarre." Mr Sands added that as a result of his better half's monetary dependence on him, his family might need to move back to Lithuania.

Mecislauskas has four kids, three of whom are brought into the world in Britain. Mr Sands said: "Through his activities, they will find themselves some place that to them is an unusual country."

Judae Siölin Knight complimented Mr Amin's
courage, and granted him £350 remuneration. She said: "He arrived at this country from Syria as a kid and had never seen a weapon, in actuality.

"Presently he's not even certain he needs to move to Lincolnshire." Mecislauskas had 25% removed his sentence for his blameworthy requests to endeavored theft and criminal harm, however faces extradition after he serves half of his 45 months in jail.

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