Turd Flinging Monkey MGTOW - STRONG Men create GOOD Times

2 years ago

TFM explains why strong men create good times. If you like MGTOW, Red Pill, Turd Flinging Monkey (TFM), Sandman, Stardusk, The Thinking Ape, Aaron Clarey, Itsagundam, Redacted News, Jeff Berwick, Dollar Vigilante, Max Igan, the crowhouse (thecrowhouse), then you will love this channel.

Whether you are in mgtow monk mode, just learned what the mgtow acronym / abbreviation even stands for or means. This is a mgtow focused and red-pill related channel no mgtow books but plenty of red pilled content and even some black pill or purple pill stuff as well. If you are a full blue pill person, this probably won't be the mgtow content you are looking for. However, some of the best mgtow quotes and red pill philosophers are on this channel. MGTOW dating rules are up to you, but no cohabitation and no marriage are always a good start. Happy to have you here!

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