Day Four Called to Lead by Serving Part I

2 years ago

This is a three maybe four part series in Day four. We are still here, but it is imperative that we understand leadership so that when day 5 comes we can have the success that Ye'Shua had when he was tempted 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness. Because every believer will have a wilderness experience because the adversary wants to steal, kill, and destroy you. This is his plan for your life, and if we don't fully grasp God's plan we will play into his hands. So in these series of episodes which was done at one time but has been broken up into several categories I address what the scripture teaches concerning how leaders should lead, and I use the best example I know of in scripture for us to follow and that is the example of the Messiah himself. The one who made himself of no reputation Php. 2:7. Having an understanding of who the head of the body is will keep us all in check.

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