Battles of Armageddon and Hamon Gog

2 years ago

The birth of Jacob and Esau is also an allegory of the birth of two nations
The nation of Israel and the nation of Russia
The people of Israel and the people of Russia
Who is Jacob and who is Esau in modern times?
In order to determine who they are you have to go back to the beginning. Jacob and Esau started as twins in the womb of Rebekah and Isaac was their father.

Genesis 25:21 And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD.
22 And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD. (Jacob and Esau fought while in the womb)
23 And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger. (Esau is the elder) (The younger is Jacob)
24 And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.
25 And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau. (Red hairy) (The color red is associated with the descendants of Esau)

The question is; where is the “Esau” of today? Many scholars agree most are in Russia. Even their flag is red. Meshek and the place called Tubal-Cain are right next to modern day Moscow in Russia. Meshek has a duel meaning and it can translate to be a people or descendents of Japheth or the land of Japheth where his people lived.
Red is the symbol of Communism, in general. Russia has been red sense 1917.
Red is also a symbol of oppression and war. Remember the birthmark on the forehead of Gorbachev?
Where is the Jacob of today? The biggest concentration of the 12 tribes is in the USA. Israel has many from the tribe of Judah and many from the House of Israel as well. The 12 tribes have been scattered throughout the world and almost all of these nations are Christian nations.

Both Jacob and Esau are descendants of Isaac the seed of promise. The birth of Jacob and Esau is unique because it represents two nations. But there is a controversy because the Lord said; Jacob I have loved and Esau I hated. Is God saying He hates the nation of Esau? Or just Esau himself?
Romans 9:13 Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.

Esau sold his birth right for a bowl a red beans because it didn’t mean that much to him. But God knew all along that Esau didn’t care for Him. Selling your birth right is a very serious sin in Gods eyes. Selling your birthright is like selling your soul.

There shouldn’t be any doubt as to who the main participants are in the Battle of Armageddon and Hamon Gog; Russia, Israel and the USA.
All you have to do is trace the migrations of Jacob (12 Tribes) after the two captivities and you have the ID of the other side of this epic battle. The land of Russia and the land of Israel are obvious players in this battle but the USA is harder to identify. The USA has the largest population of Israelites from the 12 tribes, more than any other nation and that includes Israel. This is what made America great is her people; all under the blessing that was given to Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
Many people in America are from the 12 tribes and they are not aware of it. Their migrations and whereabouts have been hidden from the general public. The modern church as a whole is to blame for this. They are called the lost sheep of the House of Israel but not lost to God.

America is described by Isaiah in chapter 18 but not by name. America, the most significant nation in history, will be in the battle of Armageddon and Hamon Gog.
Now that we have the 3 main players the additional players will be interesting to follow and see how they all align themselves.
The next question would be; where do Armageddon and Hamon Gog take place?
The valley of Megiddo is found in Israel so Armageddon is in Israel. Hamon Gog means “multitude” and Armageddon means “gathering place of the crowd”. Essentially the same. I believe this refers to 2 different crowds or battle scenes. I believe one is in Israel and the other the USA. Both accounts say the attack will come from the North Country. Syria is north of Israel. The only country north of Alaska USA is Russia. Russia is about as far north as you can get.
There are your locations.
Russia will try and enter both countries from the north. This will also happen simultaneously. This makes sense because the USA will come to battle for Israel and vice versa.
Is the current war headed this way? You be the judge.

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