What is $ZINN? The utility coin for the Zinnia Network.FAQ

1 year ago

Q: What is $ZINN?
A: $ZINN is the ticker for Zinnia, a utility coin for the Zinnia Network.

Zinnia, or $ZINN, is a cryptocurrency. If you're new to this space, here's a quick breakdown of the term… Cryptocurrency consists of two words; first, Cryptography - is the study of secure communication techniques permitting the sender and intended recipient alone to view a message. And second, Currency - a payment method for goods and services usually issued and backed by governments, monarchies, or banks. So, as the name suggests, cryptocurrency (crypto for short) is a digital form of money, solely existing online, built using blockchain technology and cryptographic techniques.


Website: https://www.zinnia.network/
Litepaper: https://linktr.ee/zinnia_litepapers
Docs: http://docs.zinnia.network/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZinniaNetwork
Discord: https://discord.gg/BVabNmMYhs
Telegram: https://t.me/ZinniaNetworkOfficial
Medium: https://medium.com/@ZinniaNetwork

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