Sep 27, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... You must sharpen your Discernment and seek your Answers with Me

2 years ago

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You must sharpen your Discernment & Seek your Answers with Me

September 27, 2015 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) God bless you, Heartdwellers. The Lord is truly with us. I want to bring this lesson before you, that the Lord gave tonight. It is kind of a difficult lesson. He wants to move on to higher levels. He wants to bring us into our own personal promised land and many of you who have been with us are really longing to have that intimate, personal relationship with Him.

To that end, He’s bringing up some things that are standing in the way. And also, He wants to restore your peace. More and more, as I look at what the Lord has been doing over the last few months, He is trying to get everyone to stand on their own, two feet. And that has been my heart’s desire as well, that everyone would learn to discern the Lord’s voice.

(Jesus) “If only they would listen. If only My People would have listened to Me, they would have had peace flowing like a river through their lives and been well rested, once they will have to swing into action. If only… Rather, now they’re suffering from confusion disappointment, disillusionment. Was any of that necessary? No, I tell you, it was not necessary.

“Peace. That is what this channel is about… Peace, Love and Truth. No manipulation here, no guilt trips, no degradation or holding men’s sins against them. No, this is a place of healing and forgiveness that all may move on fully equipped.

“The battle is fierce and unless you are thoroughly schooled in what to expect, you will fall. When I ask you not to gossip or spread bad reports, yes, I abhor listening to that as I dwell in each of you. I have to hear it. Do you know I shut My ears when you begin to gossip? Even if what you say is true, do I need to hear how retarded my child is over and over again?

“I see their struggles as they work to serve Me. I see their tears when they make wrong choices. I pick them up again when they want to quit. Do I not feel the pain of their insufficiency and all that has resulted from that in their lives? Is that not enough for Me to suffer? Do I really come to rest in My Bride’s arms so I can listen to calumny, lies, and half-truths manipulated to slay others?

“No, I tell you, that is not why I fellowship with you, My Brides. That’s the kind of thing that makes Me run from you, let alone rest Myself in your presence. Not one of you are perfect towards Me – no, not one. Yet you demand perfection from My vessels who come with the gift I’ve given them. They lovingly present that gift to you and you find fault with other facets of their lives or ministries.

“Fault which, by the way, is many, many times your personal opinion, based on lies, spread by demons of jealousy who don’t want you to receive that gift because it will damage their kingdom of darkness. But do you not throw in your lot with these thieves and murderers, by spreading their lies abroad like a plague?

“However, there is yet a bigger dynamic at work here, it’s called Pride, the invisible enemy. Yes, it sneaks up from behind you, where you aren’t looking, where you aren’t paying close attention.

“Yes, it sneaks up from behind you. But when you deliberately go against My wishes, it stalks you like a lion after a three legged gazelle. I want you to stand before the wiles of the enemy, not fall prey to them. But how can I protect you when you sin against others in your hearts and from your mouths?

“How many of you have sought the oracle of the Lord in your Bibles and Bible Promises? How many of you have asked Me, ‘Is this true? Is everything going to collapse this month? Are you coming this month? Is there really an asteroid headed for the Earth?’ How many of you have come directly to Me for answers? That is, what I want.

“I know you’re entertained by hearing others lay things out for you. But if none of it is true, haven’t you wasted your time listening to them when you could have come to Me and had your answer?

“Every single answer you need for your life right now can be had directly from Me. I am not training you to listen to Clare. I’m training you to listen to Me. Yes, there are anomalies in getting readings from Me, but you have to learn eventually, to see as I see, and to think as I think.

“It is tedious, it is tenuous at times, but nothing worth anything is gained by just a few lame tries. It takes practice. It takes failure. It takes embarrassment, and confusion. It takes commitment, but eventually you will get it right.

“But do you know, I withstand you when you find fault with others and shed their blood? You long to hear from Me, you long to fellowship with Me, you long to visit Heaven with Me…but there is a cost. It is called personal holiness.

“You can gossip all you like and listen to others and most probably be left behind. Or you can stop this sinful habit and learn to discern and listen to Me, and I will speak to you. I will spend precious moments with you. It all depends on you, My Brides. It all depends on you.

“Now, I did not bring you here for a beating, but I brought you here to understand that when you sow unrighteousness, you reap unrighteousness and I wish for you to pass beyond this immature stage in your Christian life. I wish for you to receive My gifts from all My ministers and shut your ears to bad reports about them.

“Allow Me My rights as their God and master, and know that most of these reports are grossly misinterpreted by weak people, motivated by demons of jealousy and strife deliberately placed in this position to discredit the legitimate gifts I’ve entrusted to those ministers for your advancement. Satan hates the gifts from these ministers and he knows if he can find one fault and blow it all out of proportion, you will fall for it and write that vessel off.

“Your discernment is sorely lacking, or you would know better. You don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. If your discernment were well honed, you would not be throwing out the good with the bad. You’d be able to listen to a vessel, and receive the gift that I’ve given that vessel, and reject anything that was from their flesh or was in error.

“That is your solemn responsibility before Me, to learn discernment. You would see clearly that you are being manipulated and stolen from by the demons by allowing yourself to focus on the faults of My ministers, real or imagined. So I hope you are wiser now? I hope this is the last time around the mountain in your life. I hope you can enter My Promised Land for you, where I have endless bundles of gifts waiting for you.

“I am granting you the grace right now in your hearing ears to repent, reform your lives, and be suitable vessels for My Presence in your hearts.”

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