The Other Side of Mr. Sprout {Part Two}

2 years ago

Firstly, thank you to everyone who watched the first part of the new mini-series and made it a success! We enjoy bringing you these films and these stories of love, family and friendship - featuring my plushie friends! In case you miss Part One of this series, not to worry. You can still watch it right here:

If you are new to my YouTube channel and is interested to find out more about Becker's Vintage Reels, the entire playlist containing previous series is here for you to watch!

I love to hear your comments. Don't forget to hit the LIKE button and share with all your friends. SUBSCRIBE to my channel and hit the NOTIFICATION bell to be reminded every time I make a new upload.

Bearhugs to all!

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Music in this Video

How Far We've Come by Cooper Cannell

Frost Waltz by Kevin Macleod
Frost Waltz by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

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