...what technology have they suppressed?

2 years ago

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what technology have they suppressed
10.19 plane safty test
11.53 what are they spraying on us
14.53 san fransisco 19.36
16.42 vegan choc bars
17.12 bread
18.07 fulvic
19.38 healthy no bake peanut butter truffles
20.22 butter
22.20 bread 2
23.19 no digital euro
26.28 oz resits reset
28.25 warning warning warning
31.46 china compilation
34.21 32 billion where did it go boris
39.07 alan watt 2009
41.14 canada mental if not want kill shot
42.36 codex alimentarius
48.34 bill gates evil
49.26 bill gates death pane
49.54 conspiracyl

Baking Mixture
1 1/2 cup almond flour
3 tbsp melted coconut oil
2 tbsp maple syrup
Dates Blend
Soaked 10-15 pitted dates
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tsp coconut oil
Part 1
Take a big bowl
Add almond flour, maple syrup and coconut oil.
Mix well.
Pour over a baking tray.
Bake at 350F for 10 mins.
Part 2
Take a blending jar.
Add soaked dates, 1/4 cup maple syrup and1 tsp coconut oil.
Add Water to cover the ingredients.
Blend them.
Spread on the baked mixture.
Part 3
Melt some chocolate chips and pour little over the baked mixture.
Sprinkle chopped pecan and cashew nuts.
Now freeze the tray for 1-2 hrs.
Finally Enjoy your delicious bars

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...what technology have they suppressed?

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