NEO Masterpiece Films - Make Passive Income With The First Web3 Studio

2 years ago

NEO Masterpiece Films is a Web3 studio that was created by some of the top actors and directors in the film industry and put an end to the corruption and bureaucracy that is common in this industry.

The Neo Film NFT will allow holders to have ownership to the films, earn revenue from them, and have a VIP pass to certain events!

Discord Link:

3:26- What is NEO films?
7:53- What are the funds gonna be used for?
9:02- Question
10:16-What can people buy?
13:05- How does the NFT passes work?
14:42- Rough estimates of producing movies
17:22- Are you planning on airdropping monthly?
19:53-Tier 2
21:33-Are you planning on doing more NFTs?
22:30-Are the NEO NFTs available right now?
23;13- Tier 3
24:48-Are there any tax advantages?
25:40- Question
28:24- Are these founder’s NFT’s available to mint right now?
30:27-Any collaborations with big streaming services like HBO/Netflix?
32:23-What happens if a film flops?
38:17- What chain is the NFT on?
39:51-What’s on the roadmap?
47:21- Anything you wanna add?
53:21-Are you selling the founder’s NFTs until they’re all gone?
54:05- How to get involved?


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