Where Have the Bees Been all Summer? Last 2 Days, Bees Everywhere. Were They Released by Bill Gates?

2 years ago

💀 Georgia Guide Stones: Reduce the Population to 500,000,000 Useless Eaters

Next Pandemic (Bacteria)
Volcanic Eruption, Plagues, Famines, and then a Financial Collapse.

Yersenia Pestis (Rat Fleas) 🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀

This Bacteria was Released on the General Public Three times:
541 AD (30-50 Million Dead☠️)
1347 (200 Million Dead☠️)
1665 (100 Thousand Dead☠️)

Yersinia pestis is a gram-negative, non-motile, coccobacillus bacterium without spores that is related to both Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica. It is a facultative anaerobic organism that can infect humans via the Oriental rat flea.

Bubonic plague is a type of infection caused by the Yersinia pestis (Y. pestis) bacterium which is spread mostly by fleas on rodents and other animals. Humans who are bitten by the fleas then can come down with plague.

Plague is a disease that affects humans and other mammals. It is caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis. Humans usually get plague after being bitten by a rodent flea that is carrying the plague bacterium or by handling an animal infected with plague.

Symptoms include high fever, chills, headaches, chest pain, rapid breathing, severe shortness of breath and cough that might bring up blood. Without proper treatment, the disease can quickly lead to death.

Herbal Cure: If Yersinia comes back positive in a stool analysis, then the lab will run a sensitivity to identify herbal medicines that will eradicate the bacteria. Berberine, black walnut, caprylic acid, oil of oregano, uva ursi, grapefruit seed extract and silver can all eradicate this bacteria.

Herbs I would consider to treat Yersinia would include (Link Below)
* Oregano leaf or oil (7, 8)Clove – eugenol, the phenol oil found in abundance in cloves has shown some strong antimicrobial effects against Yersinia in vitro (8).Cinnamon (8).Pomegranate husk (9, 10).Guava leaf (11).Berberine containing plants (12). Here they investigated barberry root but herbs like Coptis chinensis, Oregon grape root and even Goldenseal if you can get your hands on it may help.

Some probiotics have been studied for Yersinia infections. When working with patients with this bacterial infection I would consider a range of probiotics.
Saccharomyces boulardii, a well known probiotic yeast, has one study showing inhibition of Yersinia enterocolitica growth as well as an inhibition of its ability to invade cells (13).

Many different Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria species have been shown to inhibit Yersinia growth (test tube and animal studies mainly) (14, 15, 16).

Volcano Eruption, Sudden Deaths, Plague, Famine and Food Shortages, Financial Collapse; then War.

The Justinian Plague 541-542 AD 30-50M☠️
The Black Death (Bubonic Plague) 1347-1350s
Smallpox 1520 56M☠️
Great Plague of London 1665-1666 100K☠️
Volcano: Mount Tambora April 1815 100K☠️
Cholera 6 1817-1923 1M☠️
Panic of 1819 US Recession
Panic of 1825 British Recession
Volcano: Cosiguina 1835
Panic of 1837 US Recession
Panic of 1847 British Financial Market Collapse
The Third Plague Yunnan, China 1855 12M☠️
Panic of 1857 US Recession
Panic of 1866 International Financial Downturn
Panic of 1873 US Recession
Great Depression Britain 1873-1896
Volcano: Krakatoa 1883
Panic of 1884
Russian Flu 1889-1890 1M☠️
Panic of 1890
Panic of 1893 US Recession
Australian Bank Crisis of 1893
Panic of 1896
Yellow Fever Late 1800s 100-150K☠️
World War One 7/28/1914-11/11/1918
Volcano: Katla 1918
Epidemic Typhus Russia (Fleas) 1918-1922
Spanish Flu 1918-1919 40-50M☠️
Stock Market Crash US October 1929
Great Depression 1929-1939
World War Two 9/1/1939-9/2/1945
HIV/AIDS 1981-Present 25-35M☠️

Spread: Air, Water, Rats, and Furry Pets.

Result: Closed Borders, Suspense of Non Essential Travel, Revaccinate Entire Population, and Billions Dead.

People will turn to Religion for answers. They will believe it is a punishment for sins. There will be a shortage of doctors. Many will peddle false cures.

Offspring of the effected will have: physical ailments, lower lifetime income, reduced educational attainment, increased rates of disabilities, and a lower socioeconomic status.

Listerine, a mouthrinse composed of a mixture of essential oils, was created in 1879 and was originally formulated as a surgical antiseptic. In spite of its known antimicrobial properties it was thought of as a product in search of a use and promoted as a deterrent for halitosis and as a floor cleaner.

Listerine is strong enough to clean surgical instruments. Buy a bottle of the Original Brown, Golden, or Yellow to disinfect your homes and wounds.

☠️When all else fails, they’ll take you to WAR

🐁Rat Flea Plague Video


🇯🇵 Suwanosejima 🌋

Black, White & Red: Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities

Shadow~Light~Life (Blood)

Black: Death, Slavery, Submission, Separation
White: Purity, Goodness, Innocence, Glory
Red: Warning, Aggression, Fertility, Hunting

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