Midnight Blue - Lou Gramm - Bass Cover

2 years ago

At one of our recent "Retroflection" rehearsals, our guitarist said, "Name that tune" and played 2 chords. I recognized those 2 chords instantly as the first two chords from this song. Turned out it wasn't the song he had in mind.

This song is a fun song to play, especially for a beginner. There are only 3 notes: C, F, and G. Two more, if you count the short bridge before the 2nd and 3rd verses. Then you just add A and B, walking from G back up to C.

I'm using a modified 2021 Harley Benton PB-20 SBK Bass + Fender Rumble Stage 800 amp. DI out direct to GarageBand.

You can read about the mods on my HB bass here: https://mcbass.band/gear/2021-harley-benton-pb-20-sbk/

It is a shockingly inexpensive bass that I picked up as a modding platform. I purchased mine here and saved on shipping by buying 2 instruments at the same time: https://www.thomannmusic.com/harley_benton_pb_20_sbk_standard_series.htm

My gear: https://mcbass.band/gear/
My scheduled performances: https://mcbass.band/performances/
Retroflection: https://retroflection.band

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