Why God Hides Himself

2 years ago

Most Christians believe that God is on a desperate soul-saving crusade, fighting the devil to rescue mankind from eternal hellfire. But your Bible says that God hides Himself. Discover the shocking reason why God hides Himself from most people today—and why He won’t hide Himself for much longer.



00:00 God Is a Mystery
01:40 God's Master Plan
05:22 A World Held Captive
08:08 Underestimating Satan
09:18 God's Called Out Ones
12:20 Foundation of This World Explained
15:23 No Peace in This World
19:49 Declaring The Father
22:40 Hope in the Resurrection

God’s master plan for the entire universe includes you. But this plan is so rarely understood. Request our free book The Incredible Human Potential to discover the eternal pre-history of the two God Beings who created the angels, the universe, Earth, and all living things—including humans. Learn why God made you. Understand the timing of God’s master plan—why God hides Himself from most people today, but not for long.

Study The Incredible Human Potential to answer the most important questions in universe history: What is the true gospel message delivered by Jesus Christ Himself? Why was Christ’s message suppressed for almost 2000 years? What is the Kingdom of God? What is the incredible human potential? How will this potential become reality? What led to the creation of man? How will God reproduce Himself? What makes humans so vastly superior to animals? Why are humans made of flesh instead of spirit like our Creator? Why the Church? What do the annual holy days picture? What is human nature? How can humans become converted? Is there life after death? How will we achieve world peace at last?

Unlock the answers to these vital questions and many more by studying The Incredible Human Potential. God hides Himself from the vast majority of mankind today, but He reveals Himself to a select few whose minds are miraculously opened to grasp spiritual knowledge. This stunning truth is available to you in The Incredible Human Potential.

Also request our free booklet Mystery of the Two Trees. The reason why God hides Himself from mankind today traces back to the two spiritually symbolic trees in the Garden of Eden. There are just two ways of life: God’s way and Satan’s way. Every human must choose one or the other. The fruits of the two trees are distinctly different. Study Mystery of the Two Trees for help discerning which tree is best.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s reprint article “A World in Captivity.” Expose the hidden plot to obscure the incredible human purpose and potential in the minds of billions. What if a kidnapper could hold the masses captive for thousands of years, without the captives even realizing it? This has already happened—spiritually—to the whole world!

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Incredible Human Potential, Mystery of the Two Trees, and “A World in Captivity.” Order now!

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