The I Am

2 years ago

The night Judas betrayed Jesus, your Savior knocked over an entire band of Pharisees using only His voice. With unmatched power, He declared: I AM! Learn how the everlasting God called I AM became Christ and unlocked your incredible human potential—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.


While on Earth, Jesus Christ revealed His true identity as the everlasting God Being called I AM. An eternity before the existence of angels, the universe, Earth, and mankind, two God Beings lived in total unity. The I AM submitted perfectly to God, who later became His Father.

Christ came to Earth to declare the Father—the God Family! Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The God Family Vision to grasp God’s awesome plan to transform humans into members of His Family.
Jesus Christ, the great I AM, showed us the example to follow. As He submitted to the Father, so must we. This is the path to eternal life in the God Family! Study The God Family Vision to learn about Christ’s role as the God Family Spokesman before He became Christ. Discover the horrifying tragedy that led to the creation of mankind. Understand why the I AM had to become a flesh-and-blood man to ensure the success of the God Family plan. Grasp the remarkable depth and significance behind proper child-rearing.

Also, request a free copy of our book The Incredible Human Potential. This is the eye-opening story of the real gospel message of Jesus Christ—of how the missing dimension was withheld, and the whole world deceived. It’s positively astounding! It has remained undiscovered by science! No religion has revealed it! Higher education has never taught it! Is it possible the whole world has been deceived—regarding the awesome purpose of human life—about the way to world peace and how it will come?

Study The Incredible Human Potential to explore Christ’s universe-shaking statement: “You are Gods.”

You will also receive a free copy of our reprint article “Your Incredible Potential—and Your Children’s,” plus a free transcript of this Key of David program “The I AM.” Each human is a potential future son of God, and many of us have an opportunity to raise children to receive that same reward!

When Christ told the Pharisees they were future Gods, they accused him of blasphemy. Hardly anyone understands the ultimate potential of humans to become Gods. But your Bible declares this truth repeatedly! Study Jesus Christ’s role as the God of the Old Testament—and as the Word for all eternity before humans even existed. This eternal pre-history reveals your incredible human potential!

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The God Family Vision, The Incredible Human Potential, “Your Incredible Potential—and Your Children’s,” and “The I AM.” Order now!

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