The Real Reason Veterans struggle with PTSD

2 years ago

The Real Reason Veterans struggle with PTSD
- What causes PTSD down range?
- What causes PTSD & depression back home?
- What complicating factors are there? TBI

Returning to the “Real” / FAKE world
- Try to pretend life is like it was when you left
- You have changed forever, you can’t defend a lie
- You are alone, no one in your world can see the world you see
- When you realize your alone you have several choices
- Give up hope and/or begin to believe that the problem is you - VETERAN SUICIDE
- Put on your “Happy face” and muscle through - Emotional outbursts & Adrenal fatigue
- Realize that the people around you will never understand, and that’s ok. Build your life and world as you choose. Find the few people around you who do understand and keep them close.

What does this have to do with dog training?
- Dogs are primal, visceral and never pretend
- To truly connect with the dog, you must accept reality as it is, not as you wish it were
- Once you step into the real world, which the dog is a key to, your understanding of everything changes.

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