Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance

2 years ago

Take Time To Reflect
Rain Effects: Bow Bear doesn’t tree; because he doesn’t have the opportunity, but I am happy to say that he is packing on lbs./ chub reserves and is a happy bear He and the others are all approx. 10 months /or a bit -/or + of age. (The others are fat & happy as well = Gadsden, Warrior, Trooper, Spirit, Kiedra, Thunder all continue to tree in the rains, real heavy thick fog, and potential high winds. I have been observing them as I would any other bear/bears, I have had prior to them that had an opportunity to climb (Note bears that have certain issues /health that could not climb is a different story, but all healthy developed bears that go into my 5 acres – I can observe extensively = rain effects/weather conditions, foraging patterns ,and several repetitive behavioral patterns; that they all have in sync ,but also Note: I observe bears individual behavioral differences extensive as well = individual patterns, and try to figure out why and how they behave in different scenarios…I never stop learning Lord Knows, and when ever I think I know everything ;I clearly do not – Just saying, but I indeed know more than most /or I am right up there with others who are able to observe as much real time data as I do, and that # is few – whom will commit the time like I have over the years with diligence - Just saying…

(Note I have had 74 bears over the years – that includes the (7 bears - I have now that will be released next Spring/May 2023)
I back up my data - by photographing and recording/filming real time data, and if I don’t write/type everything down – I have it recorded.
©Dawn L. Brown photos video - data – Real time observations - bear stories Rain Effects /certain weather conditions = Repetitive behavioral patterns = with all my bears that can climb trees; they will

“I Do Take Time to Reflect”
Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
I photograph & record the very Bears I care for and observe at Home sweet Home
I have been caring for and observing Bear cub and yearling behaviors for years now, and I document what I witness during their development…My data is to be reckoned ;because I know very few out there that are able to do what I have done and continue to do so = I am around bears near 365 days a year and have been for decades – my, dedication is 2nd to none - just saying – My Insight and observation Is real – time gives insight and my knowledge Is from time and life experience, and Lord knows I will continue to learn and I not only observe bears ,but I too observe human beings – Just saying.
I follow a pretty narrow path and dot my I’s & and cross my T’s to the best of my human ability and by the grace of God he will guide me through all of it - Amen
Note: I record so much; that I could never post everything; that I have backed up - So, I try to put some out there anyway - simply to give others just a’ glimpse of what I see.
Lord only knows how many video clips and photos I have of my bears and how they learn only because with me; they Indeed can use their innate skills and instinctive traits I.e., foraging skill technique,… certain precipitation weather conditions and what they do/safety mechanism,… sibling unit behavior patterns , and single cub/yearling behavior, adopted sibling behavior, pecking orders, bonding behaviors, solitary behavioral patterns ,and so much more …. I allow the cubs I call mine be who they are – for I raise them and care for them more than words and photos, and filming will ever say...My bears use their innate skills naturally = rain effects and 1st snows = treed and though these bears do trust me and feel safe around me; they could potentially come out of the tree when I am around ,but most cases will stay treed during heavy rains ,and 1st snows and have done so even moments for when my presence is there = they have Not come out of tree
I have had biologist - that tag and put my bears under anesthesia see what I have explained for years = it was raining a day they visited , and because I observe repetitive behavioral patterns, and I had specifically told them my bears would not come out of the tree that day ; they too witnessed this with me – for I allowed them to do this – only! So, I could see that my bears would not come down from the tree – for when they were not comfortable/nor trusting/or simply not sure, thus using their instinctive safety senses; that being in most cases I have witnessed – outside of a very small% # otherwise , and I said to the biologist that those bears will Not come out of the tree and my observation was 100% correct – even when it wasn’t heavy rains, they still stayed treed - just saying… I did want to test it.
Note: very seldom, but I have witnessed a bear /or two come out of tree and run very fast and my observation makes me think that bears in certain hunting areas/or if they came from those areas – it is near being bred into them potentially? that hunters tree them to harvest them in certain geographical areas of the State /thus potentially changing their senses? this is only a theory = I can’t truly verify this at all = it would take more evidence and hunter cooperation - So, as to gain a bit more insight into this /and those areas = are bears smart enough to figure this out potentially – yes, I believe so = Analyzing behaviors is not easy, and I try to look at everything – so as to gain real oversight and facts – for that is science to me – Just saying. Note: the bears that early on came out of trees to run , treed with all the other bears eventually – without running and the % was so low – it is near impossible to confirm any theories = simply an assumption thus not good enough for fact = bear hunters would have to witness bears in the wild doing something as such , and some bears may react different than other bears – that is why research exist and I do consider myself a bear behavioral researcher because I observe ,I question….
Note: all the cubs I have raised from young orphans are amazing foragers! = I introduce natural food at such a young age; that they take full advantage of what is in them, and their natural abilities, being able to use their skills at full potential capacity and not waiver. I record what my bears have in common with one another, and I also document their individual behavioral patterns as well, and the list goes on = I receive bears form different situations and that can affect their individual behavior….
The learning never ends, and as soon as I think know everything ;I certainly do not – Just saying
(Note I have had 74 bears over the years – that includes the (7 bears - I have now that will be released next Spring/May 2023)
I back up my data - by photographing and recording/filming real time data, and if I don’t write/type everything down – I have it recorded.
©Dawn L. Brown photos video - data – Real time observations - bear stories - foraging - torpor - Rain Effects /certain weather conditions = Repetitive behavioral patterns and individual bear animalities

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