God Explained in 5 Minutes

2 years ago

The attributes of God are VERY important to know, because then you'll be able to compare what people say about God to what you know about Him. These attributes are not exhaustive, but they comprise most of the critical characteristics shown in the Bible.

God is eternal. He had no beginning. If he had a beginning, that would mean he had a creator, who would then actually be God. That doesn't make sense. There's only one supreme power, and that's who we call God. He also has no end, since he is eternal. Always has been, always will be.

He's unchanging as well. If he was changing all the time, then there would be nothing on which to build a foundation. What I mean is that truth wouldn't exist, since the definition of truth would change all the time, and that's just not what we see in our universe. Truth, objective truth, exists. For example: 1 + 1 = 2 and always will.

Like I just said, God is unchanging and objective. That means he's true. The source of Truth with a capital T.

He created the universe (being God, after all), so he has the most power (Omnipotent).
He knows everything because He created everything. There would be nothing that He didn't have complete control over making, so He would have to know everything intimately by definition.

God is also WITH everything - omnipresent. Keep in mind He isn't PART OF everything, only WITH everything, sustaining the universe in the smallest ways. He's the source of the basic principles of physics that keep atoms together, for example. The forces of Gravity, Electromagnetism, etc. are all sustained by Him. He is also the energy that causes plants to grow. What I mean is, we plant the seeds, and water/food is used by the plant in it's processes, but the force that makes it grow in the first place is God sustaining everything.

All-powerful + all-knowing + all-present means nobody beats Him. No one is better or higher, so He is Sovereign by definition.

And since no one is higher, God cant be added to or taken away from, because he controls everything, so He is - again by definition - Self-Sufficient.

We can see by God's actions that he's Righteous (just), but even without that we know He's righteous because He made the universe, so He got to decide what was right and wrong. He made the rules.

God is also Good. Here's an analogy:
Imagine a light source. It shines on an object, and a shadow appears. Take away the light, and the shadow disappears, but take away the object, and the light is still there.
The shadow cannot exists without the light (and the object) but the light can exist on its own. Good and Evil are the same. Good can exists by itself, and Evil is the lack of Good. And God is Good again like Righteousness because He got to decide what Good was in the first place.

God is Holy - separated from Evil completely. See above for explanation.

God is Jealous. Not like you and me though. Our jealousy comes when we want something someone else has. We think it would be better for us to have it, but it doesn't belong to us. God is jealous for our worship because we give that worship to things that didn't create the universe. God alone deserves that praise by definition, because he alone created us. That's what godly jealousy means.

God created the Universe, is all-knowing, and is Righteous. Therefore, He is Wise. He knows how to choose between right and wrong.

God is Loving. Love would not be possible if the possibility of evil did not exist. Because then everything would just be neutral.
You can consider evil as a disease. Love is the cure for that disease. If the possibility for cancer didn't exist, there would be no need for cancer medicine. It's the same with Love.

Love is included in Grace. Grace is the act of giving someone something good that they don't deserve. God is good. We are not. But God wants to give us Life anyway. (See the crucifixion of Christ for context).

God is faithful, since He promised to save us as long as we accept Christ. We don't have to do any more than that. Just accept Him.

God is also patient to allow everyone to exercise their free will and make a choice between Him and separation from Him.

0:00 Eternal
0:10 Unchanging
0:17 True
0:29 Omnipotent
0:36 Omniscient
0:57 Omnipresent
1:10 Sovereign
1:18 Self-Sufficient
1:29 Righteous
1:45 Good
2:05 Holy
2:15 Jealous
2:42 Wise
2:56 Loving
3:23 Gracious
4:14 Faithful
4:26 Patient


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