Dr. Aseem Malhotra – Curing the Pandemic of Misinformation on the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines

2 years ago

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“Do No Harm” – The Oslo International Conference – 19 November 2022
In the Wake of the Covid-19 Crisis

Bringing back sanctity and sanity to public health interventions, healthcare practice and health research

We have entered in a new age of government led authoritarianism under the guise of biosecurity and with an unprecedented censorship of scientific debate threatening the very premise for public health and the sanctity of healthcare practice.

This international conference will address, not only the challenges, but also new opportunities arising out of the "Covid Crisis".

Aseem Malhotra, MD
NHSS-trained Consultant Cardiologist and President of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the UK Public Health Collaboration.

Aseem Malhotra is public health campaigner, lecturer, and best-selling author – world renowned expert in the prevention, diagnosis and management of heart disease.

Aseem has been particularly concerned around misinformation on current medical interventions and public health policies related to the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and now of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign.

The Covid-19 vaccines have been shown to give unacceptable severe adverse reactions resulting in an intolerable increase in morbidity and mortality where sudden coronary death and inflammation of the heart (peri-myocarditis) are some of the most dangerous and debilitating of these reactions.

Aseem Malhotra, with his background and prominence within his field, is now an important voice to help increase the awareness of the current medical crisis created by the mass vaccination campaign.

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Norwegian Doctors and Healthcare Workers' Alliance (NLHF: Norske Leger og Helsearbeideres Fellesforbund) – A new Medical Association with the purpose of bringing back Medical Ethics to public health interventions, healthcare practice and health research.

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