Introduction to the Oslo International Conference "Do No Harm"

2 years ago

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"Do No Harm" – The Oslo International Conference – 19 November 2022
In the Wake of the Covid-19 Crisis

Bringing back sanctity and sanity to public health interventions, healthcare practice and health research

We have entered in a new age of government led authoritarianism under the guise of biosecurity and with an unprecedented censorship of scientific debate threatening the very premise for public health and the sanctity of healthcare practice.

This international conference will address, not only the challenges, but also new opportunities arising out of the "Covid Crisis".

List of speakers:

Anette Iren Isene, MSc (Conference Host)
Co-Founder of Mitoboosting Supplements AS, Chairman of the Board of the Norwegian Doctors and Health Care Workers' Alliance (NLHF).

Anette has more than 20 years’ experience in Business Management and Social Entrepreneurship Programs and Organizations.

She has a Master of Science Degree in Pharmacy from The Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She specialized in Organic Chemistry, Drug Design and Drug Discovery, Innovation and Nanomedicine with a focus on Nano-Carriers as Drug Delivery Systems.

Anette was therefore deeply concerned when she heard about the rushed-to-market injections using Lipid Nanoparticles as a carrier of mRNA without any long-term safety data. The unknown consequences of non-specific targeting of biological membranes in the body and possible short-term and long-term adverse reactions could be fatal. With this background she had to speak out.

Julia Benito (Conference Co-host)
Chief editor of the Norwegian Internet Magazine "Helse Mat og Livstil" (HEMALI) addressing lifestyle, health and nutrition, Julia is formerly editor of Internet Magazine Caluna and journalist in the News Room of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation.

François Daubé (Conference Co-host)
Co-founder and Executive Director of the International NGO for Political and Scientific Ethics, Geneva Switzerland, Expert and instructor of behavioral relationships and Hypno-therapeute NGH (mental preparation of horse riders).

Torkel Snellingen, MD, MPH, DCEH, PhD (Conferencier)
Advisor to theNorwegian Association for Small and Medium Enterprises – SMBNorge. Former Associate Professor, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tromsø, Norway

Torkel Snellingen is a medical doctor ( and clinical interventional epidemiologist with a long career in clinical research. He was the principal investigator of one of the largest multicentre-multicountry studies in South Asia in 1990s addressing strategies for the management of cataract blindness. Subsequently, upon invitation and with financial support from the World Health Organization HQ in Geneva, he served as Principal Investigator for the Cochrane Collaboration's Eye and Vision Group. He has contributed to several international book publications and over 35 peer reviewed publications within vision sciences, environmental health, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

From 2006 to 2016 he was based in Beijing as Foreign Expert supporting Chinese colleagues in the development of population cohort studies and lecturing in interventional epidemiology.

In 2021 Torkel was instrumental, with some 50 Nordic colleagues, for the publication of the "Nordic Covid Declaration" and serving as the project's principal editor. He is a board member of Norwegian Doctors and Healthcare Workers’ Alliance.

Agnieszka Wilson (Conference Moderator)
Founder of the global "CanWeTalkAboutIt Campaign" and the host of the News Voice – Aga Wilson Show

Agnieszka Wilson has a master’s degree of Political Science, from Uppsala University with a major in crisis management and international collaboration.

From 2014 she was the executive director of NFCC International, an NGO empowering women and girls through advocacy, safe health service and education.
Agnieszka has also worked for the United Nations in post conflict settings where she helped coordinate the work of 22 UN agencies.

Agnieszka is the host of the Aga Wilson show under News Voice, an independent media channel based in Sweden. She is the founder of the global #CanWeTalkAboutIt Campaign that aims to break the silence about covid19 vaccine injury and death.

About us:
Norwegian Doctors and Healthcare Workers' Alliance (NLHF: Norske Leger og Helsearbeideres Fellesforbund) – A new Medical Association with the purpose of bringing back Medical Ethics to public health interventions, healthcare practice and health research.

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