Hindu Cremation Ritual at the cemetery

2 years ago

Check out the Hindu cremation ritual at the cemetery.

A stretcher is used to transport the coffin as it is walked to the location of the cremation. Only males are allowed to attend the cremation since that is the norm (in some cultures). In today's culture, cremation services are attended by both males and females. Cremations in the Hindu religion often take place either at a crematorium or on the banks of the river. The family constructs a pyre and sets the corpse on top of it before setting it ablaze.

The karta, who is often the eldest son, walks counterclockwise around the corpse three times while pouring holy water on the pyre each time. This ensures that the body is always on the karta's left side. The karta will then light the pyre on fire, and all who have gathered will remain there until the corpse has been completely consumed by the flames. On the fourth day, ashes are collected and then thrown into the Ganges River, which is moving downstream.

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