Touhou Gift fumo Reimu V 1.5 made to order unboxing and V 1 comparison

2 years ago

I was going to pass on the made to order Reimu 1.5 since I already had a Reimu fumo. I decided to grab Reimu 1.5 before the sale ended. That is why she was not in the box with Marisa and Dark yuomu I opened previously.

V1.5 Reimu it a bit taller than V1 Reimu. The V1.5 in general are easier to sit down without falling over unlike most of the older gift plushies I own. The tied hair on the left and right of the V1.5 is wrapped flat while the V1 is wrapped with a bend. The pony tail off the back of V1.5 is much longer than the V1. V1.5 has longer legs than the v1. Aside from that there are a few minor differences like the bow size and some of the detailing. Both are great little friends. I hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you for watching.

Made to order Reimu 1.5 is still currently avaliable at amiami if you need one.

Background Music and sounds
Elevator music
Artist: Alexander

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