When Two Patriots Meet

2 years ago

This video is so inspirational!

I apologize for the poor audio quality. A friend, who is not a videographer, shared this with me.

This video is a prime example of what happens when you overcome the fear that “they” are using to divide Americans & prevent us from talking to each other. Beautiful things can happen.

Backstory: at this assembly Liz Harris had put a warning out that Indians were there to protest Thanksgiving & they (event organizers) could not guarantee their safety. So many left.

However, an open minded brave American asked the Indians what they were there for. Come to find out, they were there protesting their women turning up missing & nobody doing anything about it & nobody caring.

The sang a song & they all prayed together. It such a beautiful moment.

If I had to guess, it would be the same human trafficking problem we have all over America but especially right here at our border.

Prayer & action. We must “fight” for our state! We can not allow the evil take over our border & our state.

When there is an opportunity to unite-don’t let “them” scare you away. Now is the time we must all stand tall, locked arm in arm, with our fellow citizens- no matter the background or group.

No more division. No more fences. Nor more lines drawn in the sand tor each other.

We must ALL put aside our differences & search for commonality.

Embrace your fellow American.

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