Father of the Year" steps in to save his young son's goal.

2 years ago

Father of the Year” steps in to save his young son’s goal. | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O

The funny moment when a "father of the year" immediately saved his little son in goalkeeping is captured on camera, quickly gaining popularity online. In front of a large crowd, a parent took prompt action to support the little child playing goalkeeper in a football game by buying him some time. A humorous video showing a group of kids bouncing a ball around the park is becoming viral quickly. The father can be seen in the video loitering around the goal, where his kid serves as the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper's father swiftly urged his son to fall on the ball after seeing the player from the yellow jersey team kick the ball toward the home team's goal while the son was still perplexed. The second time, though, he had worse luck. Later, when the ball flew out, a nearby yellow-shirt player seized the chance to score the match-winning goal by putting the ball in the back of the net. The audience's laughter seemed to dismay the father. Many responses offered solace, and the father deserved to be recognized as "father of the year" for his uncommon gesture to assist his son.

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⁄⁄ T H A N K Y O U
Father of the Year” steps in to save his young son’s goal.

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