Grandma Ma's Birdbath ~ Poem by Debra Carmona

2 years ago

I love to sit on my front porch with my cup of tea in the early morning hours just watching and listening to the birds who frequent my yard. In observing the birds I was inspired to write this little poem with my grandchildren in mind. The poem itself is only six and half minutes long which is the first part of this video.

I have been taking lots of video footage and photographing all the birds that visit my birdbath so that I have good photo references in order to do paintings or illustrations for the children's book that I would like to create for my grandchildren. With all this content I thought to make a video of it. The first six minutes is the full content of the poem but since I had so much lovely video footage I decided to include the edited footage of the various birds playing or drinking at my birdbath with only the sounds of the birds. I did not use any canned sounds in the making of this video but only what I recorded myself. Just a little ASMR for your viewing and listening pleasure.

The last two minutes of this video are simply some of the still photos I took of various birds who come to visit my birdbath. I set that last section to music.

I don't get to see my grandchildren much and wish that I could read to them more often than I am able. This video is my way of bringing them a story that I created via video (moving pictures with sounds) from the creatures around me. I have lots more content like this that I will be sharing in the future.

If you would like to donate to my cause in creating a Children's illustrated book please consider the "Thank You" button below the video or send a monetary gift to one of the following links:
Cash App $DeborahJCarmona
Venmo @Debra-Carmona-06

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