Treating for Varroa Mites using HopGuard3 | All-Natural Varroa Mite Treatment

2 years ago

The greatest threat to honey bees around the world is a tiny villain, barely visible to the naked eye. Fittingly named, Varroa Destructor, they are commonly known as varroa mites is the biggest challenge faced by honey bees in the world. Good apiary management includes a mite management plan.
Here at Kowalski Apiary, we treat our honeybees for mites three times a year. We rotate treatment methods so the bees don't become resistant to treatment. This year we are using HopGuard3. This all-natural product is food safe and can be used while the honey supers are in place.

Learn more about varroa mites on the blog, how to conduct a mite check, and other treatment options we've used.

Chapter Menu
0:00 Intro
0:56 Capped Brood
3:00 Treating the First Hive
4:40 Treatment Recommendations
8:27 Inspection Tips
10:50 Unique Situation in the Brood Box
13:50 Plentiful Drone Brood
16:38 Releasing the Queen
18:27 That's It!

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Philip wears magnifying goggles to help him see the frames.


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