What is NEXT.js and Server Side Rendering in next

2 years ago

The React Framework for Production.

Next.js gives you the best developer experience with all the features you need for production: hybrid static & server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching, and more. No config needed.

React it's a JavaScript library that help us to build complex user interfaces a lot easier than it would be with just JavaScript. And Next.js is a Framework on top of React.

So the difference between a library and a Framework is that a Framework is bigger than a library, it has more features and multiple built in libraries.

So Next.js extends React capabilities, by giving us a SDK

- 0:00 What is NEXT.JS
- 1:22 SSR - Main NextJS feature
- 1:33 SSR - React 18 & CSR
- 1:54 What are the differences between CSR vs SSR
- 2:00 CSR - Client Side Rendering
- 3:24 SSR - Server Side Rendering in Next.js
- 4:19 SSR - When to use SSR over CSR
- 5:05 A Demo of the website we will build
- 5:31 A sum up: What is NEXT.JS

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cc: videos credits
Thank you Pexel, for letting me use your amazing videos

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