How did Benjamin Z Miller get so good at investing?

2 years ago

Good question.

It was a long slow process that took 20 years of increasing my skill. It was not something where one day I started out and was instantly good at investing.

One thing that made me good was that I was willing to take risks. Sometimes I made money and sometimes I lost money but over time I got better and better at investing.

Another thing that made me good at investing was I always made my own decisions. Even when more experienced people offered their ideas or decisions, I always would make my own decisions and I noticed over time I often was correct when other more experienced investors were wrong.

So, I think the answer would be I worked at it a lot, I did real deals, and I took smaller acquisitions and made them over time into larger acquisitions. I also was willing to work a lot more than other people. Some people are not willing to work 7 days per week for many years and this is part of my success.

However, if you would like a shortcut where you can learn the Benjamin Z Miller method of investing, then go to and fill out the contact page. Contact my office and we might be able to help you get started on the correct path.

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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