What's the Science Behind Why Deep Sea Fish Are Able to Survive in High Pressure Environments

2 years ago

What’s the Science Behind Why Deep Sea Fish Are Able to Survive in High-Pressure Environments? | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
British scientists have discovered a chemical that allows deep-sea fish to withstand the immense pressure of the water around them. The chemical, called TMAO, is found in greater concentrations in deeper dwelling fish, and helps to keep the cells of these animals from being crushed by the water pressure. This is a significant discovery, as it explains how creatures have evolved to survive in some of the most hostile environments on Earth.

Deep beneath the Mariana Trench, pressure mounts. The water molecules in the cells of deep-sea fish are under immense strain, but they manages to stay together thanks to a key ingredient: TMAO. This chemical helps to keep the water molecules in place, allowing the fish to withstand the extreme pressure and stay alive. Thanks to this new discovery, we now know how these animals have evolved to survive in some of the most hostile environments on Earth." After watching, please visit Three Tea Trees on YouTube and subscribe to see the newest video.

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What’s the Science Behind Why Deep Sea Fish Are Able to Survive in High-Pressure Environments?
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