Distracted by cats, a rat pretends to faint

2 years ago

Distracted by cats, a rat pretends to faint | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
A few days ago, a hilarious event was caught on camera. A large cat was seen trying to chase a mouse around, but surprisingly, the mouse did not manage to flee. Instead, it turned around and faced the cat. The mouse sat down and started to eat without attempting to flee; instead, it struggled and screamed as it lay on the ground, confusing the cat. The mouse was lying down when the cat failed to get it. It rolled out while shouting. That action of the rat made the video so funny that it attracted a lot of animal lovers. Several of the viewers commented on this circumstance, saying, "The cat didn't have time to do anything but screw up", "The cat was like: ooh me, I haven't done anything yet???", "It's just a little bit, but I haven't had time to do anything yet"... As we can see, many people were joking about the cat, who hadn't done anything but still be seen as the wrong person. It was so hilarious that it has been trending for a long time with a lot of likes on the internet.

A few days ago, a comical event was caught on camera. A large cat was trying to chase a mouse around, but the mouse didn't seem to be fearing for its life. In fact, the mouse even turned around to face the cat. The mouse sat down and started to eat, while the cat just stood there, looking confused. The mouse then rolled out while screaming, and this action made the video so funny that it quickly went viral.Many people commented on the situation, joking about how the cat must have been feeling. "The cat didn't have time to do anything but screw up," one person said. "The cat was like: ooh me, I haven't done anything yet???" Another person commented. "It's just a little bit, but I haven't had time to do anything yet."As we can see, many people found the whole situation hilarious. It's no wonder that the video has been trending for a while now with lots of likes on social media.

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⁄⁄ T H A N K Y O U
Distracted by cats, a rat pretends to faint
#threeteatrees #cats #fainting #acting #rats #hilarious

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