A Goat Impaled by a Power Line The Whole darn Story

2 years ago

A Goat Impaled by a Power Line: The Whole darn Story | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
In Liangshan city in the Chinese province of Sichuan, an unusual incident was captured on video and shared online. A goat was seen hanging from a high-voltage power cable, left dangling in midair when its horns got snagged on the wire. On Sichuan Television, a witness named Mr Chen stated that he thought the goat's horns got trapped on the high-voltage power line when it was dragged to the ground. Because they couldn't see the goat, the workers raised the rope, causing it to float in the air. Chen acknowledged that he didn't know whether the goat was ever saved. According to a Taiwanese station, a goat's horns do not conduct electricity. Numerous people then comment on the video to confess their worry about the goat's health. However, many still think this is an amusing scenario that can only be seen once in a lifetime.

On a bright and sunny day in Liangshan city, in the Chinese province of Sichuan, an unusual incident was captured on video and shared online. A goat was seen hanging from a high-voltage power cable, its horns snagged on the wire. The workers who found the goat couldn't see it, so they raised the rope, causing the goat to float in midair. Witnesses to the incident were concerned for the goat's safety, but many also found the situation amusing. It was certainly a once-in-a-lifetime sight! according to a Taiwanese station, however, goats' horns do not conduct electricity, so the animal was not in danger of being electrocuted. It's not known what happened to the goat after it was rescued from its precarious position. But this bizarre incident is sure to be remembered by everyone who saw it! After watching, please visit Three Tea Trees on YouTube and subscribe to see the newest video.

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A Goat Struts Its Stuff. Literally.
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A Goat Impaled by a Power Line: The Whole darn Story
#threeteatrees #power #line. #goat #animal #impaled #nazarene

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