Dion Fortune: Sea Priestess of Avalon

2 years ago

This is all about Dion Fortune, but first, Jupiter is on the move and concentrating his energy in forward motion which is good news. Marina Abramovic channels Maria Callas in 'the Seven Deaths of Callas', the opera, they have parallel features in their respective charts, as the Moon Priestess in Norma and that is Dion Fortune as the first performance of Norma aligns with Dion Fortune's Ascendant. So this is all ruled by Jupiter and heavily laden with the Sagittarian archetype, the centaur and centauress.

There's a full analysis of Dion Fortune: her life and chart, her character, her books, her style, her fight with Moina Mathers, and her huge influence on everyone, her NDE experience, her link to Glastonbury and her magical battle for Britain on the inner planes.

The written version is at

CORRECTIONS: Please forgive two mistakes while recording this.
1: Robert Graves was born 1895- I meant to say that it was the whole decade really, including people like Osbert Sitwell, born 1892, who also wrote about supernatural topics. See the film 'A House of One's Own.

2: Margaret Lumley Brown was as I said a fellow Sagittarian to Dion Fortune so was born 7th December. I said 'September' for some reason known only to my mouth.

If there are other errors, please let me know.

© Kieron Devlin, Proteus Astrology. All rights Reserved. November 21st, 2022

Music Credits

Witch By The Sea by Darren Curtis | https://www.darrencurtismusic.com/
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

Ambient I by Steven O'Brien | https://www.steven-obrien.net/
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY-ND 4.0

Gustav Holst extracts from the Planets Suite in the Public Domain
1) Jupiter
2) Neptune

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