NDEer, Loreli Drache, Speaks Light Codes, Quantum Healing & the Recovery of Our Lost Fractal Aspects

2 years ago

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Loreli had her first near death experience at age 7 in which she had a drowning
accident. After that experience she developed many psychic intuitive empath abilities. She then started having contact with spirits, ETs, Sasquatch and other inter-dimensional beings. She went on to have three subsequent near-death experiences in her adult life at the ages of 28, 35 and 48. Her fourth near-death experience completely changed her perception of her reality and her purpose of being here. She was told the power of words and how they manifest on Earth. Given the understanding that as a being of high frequency those words would manifest rapidly, Loreli was told to be very mindful of her words and thoughts. In 2019 she experienced a connection to Oneness during a spiritual awakening that helped form her understanding of consciousness. Within it she learned how everything is connected and we are all source wearing different “masks” to experience and learn Self. From that point she started channeling and receiving many downloads and “knowings” of creation. In 2022 Loreli
received her Reiki attunements which completely opened up her clair abilities, the Akashic records and returned her medical intuitive abilities. She started receiving many more spiritually transformative experiences. In a Beyond Quantum Hypnosis session she was told more about creation and her purpose for incarnating many times concurrently throughout All That Is. This understanding and clarifications on other messages she has received gave her a more complete view of how reality manifests.

Given many spiritual insights during all her experiences, Loreli went about processing and integrating that information through her very human perceptions. She started embracing her spiritual gifts to be more of service in unconditional love. She sees herself as a healing partner and spiritual guide who's purpose is to help bring light and remembrance of unconditional love to all who cross her path.

Loreli is not fond of claiming labels or titles but for others to understand her path she states the following ones of herself: inspirational public speaker, spiritual mentor, NDE reintegration guide, medical intuitive, medical assistant, clairvoyant, channeler, Akashic record and energy reader, psychic intuitive empath, energetic alchemist, Reiki master teacher, shamanic and quantum energy healer, oracle reader, Reverend, High Priestess, intuitive jewelry artist, writer and poet.

Loreli Drache
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Lynda Colter-Bergh

Jason Adkins

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#NDE #neardeathexperience #ascension #quantumfield #quantumhealing #extraterrestrial #Gaia #FractalReality #clairvoyance #NewEarth #multidimensional #lifeafterdeath #reincarnation

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