Microchips, Robotic Assemblers & Teraflops 🚜 Captain of Industry 👷 Walkthrough, Guide, Tips

2 years ago

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Today we are going to be explaining microchips how to make them using the limited resources you have scavenged from the world map, as well as how to build up the resources to create more microchips faster. We will also be covering Data Centers as well as Teraflops and of course robotic assemblers and Maintenance 3.

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0:00 Data centres have glass ceilings
1:49 Recommended Research
3:49 Converting existing loot into something useful
4:55 Maintenance 3
7:01 Data Centers
9:36 Robotic Assemblers and Construction parts 4
11:09 Silicon Wafers
12:42 Our first Microchip Assembly build
20:04 Upgrading our first system to 3 times faster!
24:13 Stable Microchip production
26:27 Requirements for full scale production
29:29 6 Microchips per minute stackable build
37:36 Microchip machine level 2

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