Barbara O’Neill: (4/13) Heal Your Body, Mind And Spirit- The Type 1 Diabetes Cure

2 years ago

Diabetes is a far too common problem in developed countries. The diagnosis of this disease comes with a prognosis for life-long drug dependency and devastating side effects. Some look hopefully toward the future for a Type 1 diabetes cure. Are they just dreaming? Or is it possible that a diabetes cure exists already? Can you get rid of diabetes?

In this episode, Barbara O’Neill shares inspiring case studies of people who’ve conquered diabetes, even Type 1 diabetes. What did they do? Learn about the changes that happen in the cells and organs as diabetes develops. Find out what can be done to stop the chain of reactions that causes diabetes and learn about the Type 1 diabetes cure that works. Discover how to heal the pancreas and reverse diabetes.
Naturopath and nutritionist, Barbara O’Neill became interested in natural health when her first child became ill and spent weeks in hospital. This motivated her to investigate the cause, find a remedy, and live a lifestyle that would prevent this from happening again. At 26, she embraced Christianity which gave her a new perspective on the human body as an intricately designed organism with in-built mechanisms to self-heal. Barbara was particularly inspired by the health writings of Ellen G White.
Barbara O’Neill: Heal Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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