The End Times And The Issachar And Berean Anointings

2 years ago

We live in perilous times as The Apostle Paul tell us in 2 Timothy 3 and what many believe is also the last of the last days of time.
Just as Paul was warning and preparing his protege Timothy to be ready for people he would encounter in ministry, so too are these warnings apropos for us today.
In this lesson we will look at the Sons of Issachar who were part of David's mighty men and the Bereans who Paul called more noble because they were students of the word and were careful to test any teaching against the Bible and determine if it was valid or not. And we will see how praying to be anointed with the same anointing they had so we can be part of the end days army God needs to be not just a good thing, but an essential thing.

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