Why I am Here | We can stop this.

2 years ago

This channel is here to talk about real-world examples of CRT/DEI in the schools and the damage it is doing.
CRT/DEI seeks to replace reason, objectivity, and individualism with power, subjectivity, and conformism (in the form of group identity). That is not an education but an indoctrination.
The “Zoom school” so many of us suffered through had a silver lining: parents got to see for themselves that Critical Race Theory has been brought to the schools through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. They also got to see that this has been going on for a long time without their knowledge and without being informed.
If you are one of those parents, it’s not your fault! Getting CRT into the schools was deliberately kept from you, put on the “down-low” so you wouldn’t notice. As a longtime teacher and tutor, I too failed to see it, and I underestimated its virulence and pervasiveness even when I did. What we have to do now is get informed and spread the word.
We do not have to accept this. CRT/DEI is not inevitable, and it does not have to be the fate of our children.

CRT is a confusing topic at first, and the TV pundits don’t do a good job explaining it. If you feel that it would be difficult to answer the question, “What is CRT?”, you aren’t alone! It is designed to be difficult so that you will get discouraged and just acquiesce. But you can change that right now.
The quickest way to get a solid answer is in Ryan Chapman’s 20 minute video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rDu_VUpoJ8&t=2s

James Lindsay’s New Discourses is a great resource for in-depth discussions of CRT and the theories related to it on his channel. https://www.youtube.com/@newdiscourses
Yes, the name of my channel reflects his, but I am not summarizing or replacing what he does but rather adding another look at it from the ground level.

If you like my work, a donation of any size would be much appreciated.

I hope you’ll excuse any growing pains; I never intended to make videos, and my computer is not up to the task of editing. I have to do everything in one go or with minimal editing, and some of this is “learn as you go.” I thought it was important to finally get off my duff and do something to contribute even if it’s not perfect.

All pictures are carefully chosen; some are my own, and some do not require attribution of any kind. Some require attribution and will be treated appropriately. The same goes for any music or other works that are not my own. Some that do not require attribution will be attributed anyway.
The background video image is “free to use” from Pexels and is there attributed to Jonathan Peterson.
The thumbnail background picture is my own.
The butterfly is free to use Butterfly clip art (107718) Free SVG Vector https://4vector.com/free-vector/butterfly-clip-art-107718

The following music was used for this media project:
Music: The Joy Of The Good Business by MusicLFiles
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6467-the-joy-of-the-good-business
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Artist website: https://cemmusicproject.wixsite.com/musiclibraryfiles

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