NanoThermite: High-tech Explosive in the Dust of 9/11/2001

2 years ago

Steven Jones, Ph.D., Physics Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University, brilliantly presents his carefully researched new discoveries made as he analyzed the dust from the World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11. Jones presents the controversial new article in the peer-reviewed “Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal” - the result of 18 months of intensive scientific collaboration:

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade
Center Catastrophe

The implications of this new peer-reviewed paper are profound. NanoThermite, a highly engineered energetic nanocomposite, was conceived around 1990. By 2000 it had been weaponized and manufactured in top secret military laboratories. This nano-engineered form of thermite does not just burn extremely hot, it explodes. The NanoThermite chips found in the dust on 9/11 were more explosive than known NanoThermite procured from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

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