Pro Teaches n00bs: Lesson 57: Thanos: Infinity Abyss

2 years ago

On the newest Lesson of Pro Teaches n00bs, Bianca and I start a series of lessons about a lot of Jim Starlin's Thanos work in the 2000s! Starting with Infinity Abyss! This story was done cause Starlin hated three stories that mis-used Thanos (Thor, Ka-Zar, and Celestrial Quest) so he made this story to fix it

Spider-Man. Dr. Strange. Adam Warlock. Pip the Troll. Captain Marvel. What threat could be dire enough to bring these heroes together? Only the most feared villain in the entire cosmos: Thanos. For the vengeful Eternal seeks not only the death of his enemies, he seeks the death of life itself and the annihilation of the entire universe.

#marvel #thanos #jimstarlin

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