Why You Need To Face Your Fears 😵‍💫

2 years ago

With the world of comfort we live in especially in 1st world country's, people have truly forgotten what fear is so once they experience fear they never want to experience it again, most people live & breath in there comfort zone & don't strive to leave it.

but as David dieda said, "We must live beyond our edge", he states this in the book: the way or the superior man because David dieda knows that we as men Growth from discomfort & leaving our comfort zone, from living on our edge, so with that in mind what is one thing that will give us the most discomfort witch will give us the most growth as a result? Its Fear, it's facing the thing we are scared of facing.

if there is a risk, If there is some fear factor behind your actions like going up to that group of girls or going through that dark alley or facing your fear of heights witch is one of my personal fears that I'm currently facing, doing these actions that face your fear will give you the most amount of growth because you are facing & surviving a challenge, you are completing & dominating a challenge, & that fulfilles our masculine drive witch improves us as men.

if your new here my name is Cruz and I help you guys become the highest version of yourselves

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if you want some personal Advice or just want to chop it up: antwicruz@gmail.com

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Time stamps:

0:00 intro

0:14 the average man

0:21 quote from David dieda

0:41 the one thing that gives
us most growth

2:20 fear is the gateway to success

2:57 conclusion

Tags: self improvement, hamza, sneako, zyzz, attractive men, social commentary, self reflection, self introspection, self analysis, why you need to face your fear, Batman, how to face your fear, face your fears, Face your fear to win in life, Batman fear,

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