Keep Your Flip Houses, Send Us Your Land Deals

1 year ago

🚨🚨You have to be a little crazy to make it in entrepreneurship and business. 😉👌🏽It helps if you’re a glutton for punishment too.💯
I’ve been playing the land game consistently and steadily going on 4 years, through the peaks and valleys, failures and disappointments. Pain and worry 🥹when everyone told me to stay away from land.
I’ve seen 100s of people come and go and it made me second guess my own path and decisions.🫠
🧠Maybe what I’m teaching isn’t strong enough. Maybe I need to bring more game. Maybe I need to add these extras, etc.🤔
💔Today thinking about it, 98% of people are going to fail or remain low performers forever anyway. 📉It’s not because they are unintelligent or lack information. The #1 reason people fail is their inability to retain their focus when entrepreneurship becomes painful.🏋🏽‍♂️ The pain and embarrassment of quitting is less than the pain of pushing through.
Based on current projects and projections I’ll be more profitable in the next 12 months than I have been in the all of the previous years of my life combined. During a recession.
Good things take time and GREAT things take a lifetime.
So next time you find yourself questioning your sanity and the next time business is physically hurting you, stay focused. Stay vigilant. Nothing worth doing ever came easy.
We’re all in pain. We’re all a little mad here.🤪💯
Call me if you ever need a little push. I’ll make time.📲
You got this. Keep going.💜💜💜💜💜

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