True or False! Can You Pass the Test?

2 years ago

0:00 Intro
0:31 Statement 1
1:13 Statement 2
1:32 Statement 3
1:53 Statement 4
2:21 Statement 5
2:44 Statement 6
3:08 Statement 7
3:33 Statement 8
3:56 Statement 9
4:23 Statement 10

Hey cannabis Experts, and welcome back to the channel. We thought we’d greet you with something a little bit different today. 10 questions and 10 True or False answers. How will you get on?

To take this quiz, all you need to do is answer true or false to each statement we make. We’ll give you the result before moving on to the next statement, though we’ll give you 5 seconds to consider your answer.

Statement one. It is legal to smoke cannabis in the privacy of your own home.
This was a bit of a trick question as in the UK it is illegal and a Class B drug, while in many parts of the USA the law varies so it might be legal in one state, but take two paces forward and cross a state line, and you could be breaking the law. Our advice - ask a local law enforcement officer before you light up if it is illegal or not.
If they draw their gun, chances are it's illegal!"

Statement two. Cannabis suppresses your appetite.
The answer is FALSE. If anything, cannabis stimulates the appetite, hence the expression ‘cannabis munchies’.

Statement three. It’s okay to drive your car after you’ve been smoking cannabis.
The answers is FALSE. Driving under the influence of drugs is treated as a similar offence to driving under the influence of alcohol.

Statement four. Sharing your crop of cannabis among your friends does not constitute dealing.
The answer is FALSE. Whether friends or strangers, sharing your stash of cannabis with anyone is illegal where the law forbids and can land you with a lengthy prison sentence.

Statement five. Smoking cannabis makes everyone feel happy and mellow.
The answer is false. While the great majority feel happy and mellow after smoking cannabis, a percentage of people feel anxious and paranoid.

Statement six. The majority of youngsters today don’t smoke cannabis.
The answer is TRUE. In fact while only one in three youths may actually try cannabis, less that one in ten go on to become regular users.

Statement seven. The effects of smoking cannabis are temporary.
The answer is FALSE. While the feeling of being stoned may wear off after a short while, regular smoking of cannabis can have a long-term effect on our mental health and wellbeing.

Statement eight.
Medical cannabis is little different to the regular cannabis we smoke.
The answer is FALSE. Medical cannabis has traditionally had all the THC removed so as to avoid any risk of a high.

Statement nine. Today’s cannabis is stronger than cannabis was fifteen years ago.
The answer is TRUE. Compared to cannabis produced in 2005, today’s cannabis is on average 50% stronger in terms of THC.

And finally, we have Statement ten. It is 100% legal to buy cannabis seeds from London Seed Centre.
The answer is TRUE. It is perfectly legal to buy cannabis seeds. However, the same can’t be said when it comes to anything you might do with them, but that’s none of our business, so to speak.

And that rounds up todays quiz. Let us know in the comments how you scored??

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