50 Beowulf VS vape pen. 50 caliber AR15 is a BEAST!!!!

2 years ago

So when I first shot the Beowulf ammo was so hard to get for it. Living in Kamifornia doesn't help either because we can't just order ammo online like you can in Merica. anyways when you do find it here its usually way over priced like $4-$5 a round. So I hardly shot it.
Then I decided why not reload it. Bingo now I get to enjoy seeing it destroy stuff!
How many 2x4s do you think it will go through?
Also we're on a mission to hit 1k subscribers this year. Subscribing is always free, and helps us out. If there's something you'd like to see us shoot with the 50 Beowulf drop it in the comments section.

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