who is Musk?

2 years ago

The so called `Twitter` takeover is a NWO promotion to try to get conservatives to return to Twitter, where they can be tracked by the AI. AI models have failed on conservatives due to lack of reliable data. News is of course highly controlled by the Shadow government. Why would they allow any free speech at all on Twitter, unless they are doing a Mao style CCP honey trap operation to target people saying things against the Cult/NWO?" Musk was "created" as a business figure, being given control over Paypal, Telsa, Space-X and the satellite tech. Musk is a creation of the Military-Industrial complex, under the direct control of the Shadow government, as that is the only group with access to the funding and technology required to pull this off. Musk and his companies are literally created out of thin air to play a role in manipulating public opinion, governments and economies. Another Puppet...

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