Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 09.01.22

2 years ago


Our Green Grassroots Emergency Election Protection zoom opens with a tribute from WENDI LEDERMAN to Women’s Equality.We also honor the great HOWARD ZINN, who would have been 100 years old this month.  Zinn completely upended the popular view of our nation’s story, and his PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES remains a foundational document.  Thank you, Howard!!!We then do a deep dive into the decrepit, dangerous, earthquake-surrounded Diablo Canyon Nukes at San Luis Obispo, CA.  Governor Gavin Newsom is pushing to keep them open indefinitely despite a broad-based agreement to shut them in 2024-5.  The ramifications for the future health, safety, economy and ecological survival of the human race are without parallel.We hear from DONNA GILMORE, KEN COOK, DANETT ABBOTT, ACE HOFFMAN, MYLA RESON, JUSTIN LE BLANC, TATANKA BRICCA, LINDA SEELEY and many more.  Arizona’s great JOHN BRAKEY tells us of major victories there.Led by Wendi Lederman, we hear from grassroots activists ????\

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